private void InsertToHDF5_WithHierarchy(String circuitid, string[] groupname, struct1[] dset_data, int numline, out int totalpd, out TimeSpan elapsed_time_insert) { int countpd = 0; bool filexist = CheckFile(); if (filexist == true) { fileId =, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDWR); } // Create a circuit group // check if that group is already exist bool circuitexist = CheckGroup(circuitid); if (circuitexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open circuit group"); groupcircuitId =, "/" + circuitid); } else if (circuitexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully create circuit group"); groupcircuitId = H5G.create(fileId, "/" + circuitid); } //create year subgroup but check it first bool yearexist = CheckGroup(circuitid + "/" + groupname[0]); if (yearexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open year subgroup"); groupyearId =, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0]); } else if (yearexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully create year subgroup"); groupyearId = H5G.create(fileId, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0]); } //create month subgroup but check it first bool monthexist = CheckGroup(circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1]); if (monthexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open month subgroup"); groupmonthId =, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1]); } else if (monthexist == false) { ///MessageBox.Show("Successfully create month subgroup"); groupmonthId = H5G.create(fileId, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1]); } //create date subgroup but check it first bool datexist = CheckGroup(circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1] + "/" + groupname[2]); if (datexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open date subgroup"); groupdateId =, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1] + "/" + groupname[2]); } else if (datexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully create date subgroup"); groupdateId = H5G.create(fileId, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1] + "/" + groupname[2]); } //create attribute type attributeType = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); //create attribute data space ulong[] attributedims = new ulong[1]; attributedims[0] = 1; int[] readBackAttr = new int[1]; attributeSpace = H5S.create_simple(1, attributedims); //create attribute in the subgroup date bool attributexist = CheckAttribute(groupdateId, "totaline"); if (attributexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open attribute"); attributeId =, "/totaline"); } else if (attributexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully create attribute"); attributeId = H5A.create(groupdateId, "/totaline", attributeType, attributeSpace); }, attributeType, new H5Array(readBackAttr)); //Create a data space to accomodate our 1 dimensional array //The resulting H5DataSpaceId will be used to create the dataset ulong[] dims = new ulong[1]; dims[0] = ulong.Parse(numline.ToString()); spaceId = H5S.create_simple(1, dims); //// Create a copy of a standard data type. We will use the //// resulting H5DataTypeId to create the data set. We could //// have used the HST.H5Type data directly in the call to //// H5D.create, but this demonstrates the use of H5T.copy //// and the use of a H5DataTypeId in H5D.create. typeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); typestring = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.C_S1); H5T.setSize(typestring,6); //// Set the order to big endian //H5T.setOrder(typeId, H5T.Order.BE); //// Set the order to little endian //H5T.setOrder(typeId, H5T.Order.LE); //write dset_data into text file (checking) ////string activeDir = @"D:\HDF\Simulation\HDF5_Simulation_V11_VS2008\PD Data\hasil"; //////create a new subfolder under the current active folder ////if (Directory.Exists(activeDir) == false) ////{ //// System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(activeDir); ////} ////int J = 0; ////string newPath; ////string minutes = ""; ////int circuit = 1; ////string filename = "hasilarray.txt"; ////newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir, filename); ////TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(newPath); ////J = 0; ////for (J = 0; J < numline; J++) ////{ //// tw.WriteLine(dset_data[J].b + "," + dset_data[J].c + "," + dset_data[J].d + "," + dset_data[J].e); ////} //////circuit = circuit + 1; ////tw.Close(); ////MessageBox.Show("Successfully written to txt file"); try { typeId1 = H5T.create(H5T.CreateClass.COMPOUND,(uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(struct1))); H5T.insert(typeId1, "EMT", 0, H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_FLOAT); H5T.insert(typeId1, "Fractional time", sizeof(float), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); H5T.insert(typeId1, "Charges", sizeof(int) + sizeof(float), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_FLOAT); H5T.insert(typeId1, "Phase angle", sizeof(float) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_SHORT); H5T.insert(typeId1, "Minute", sizeof(short) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_SHORT); //H5T.insert(typeId1, "minutes", sizeof(short) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float), typestring); } catch (Exception et) { MessageBox.Show(et.ToString()); } DateTime range_time_start; DateTime range_time_end; range_time_start = DateTime.Now; try { dataSetId = H5D.create(fileId, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1] + "/" + groupname[2] + "/" + groupname[3], typeId1, spaceId); // Write the integer data to the data set. H5D.write(dataSetId,typeId1 ,new H5Array(dset_data)); //write the totaline in date subgroup int[] totaline = new int[1] { readBackAttr[0] + numline }; H5A.write(attributeId, attributeType, new H5Array(totaline)); //create attribute type attributeHourType = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); //create attribute data space ulong[] attributehourdims = new ulong[1]; attributehourdims[0] = 1; attributeHourSpace = H5S.create_simple(1, attributehourdims); //create attribute in the subgroup hour bool attributehourexist = CheckAttributeInHour(dataSetId, "numline"); if (attributehourexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open attribute"); attributeHourId =, "numline"); } else if (attributehourexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully create attribute"); attributeHourId = H5A.create(dataSetId, "numline", attributeHourType, attributeHourSpace); } //write the totaline in hour subgroup int[] totalineinhour = new int[1] { numline }; H5A.write(attributeHourId, attributeHourType, new H5Array(totalineinhour)); countpd = numline; H5D.close(dataSetId); H5T.close(attributeHourType); H5A.close(attributeHourId); } catch (Exception ec) { ////MessageBox.Show("DataSet already exists: " + ec.ToString()); countpd = 0; } totalpd = countpd; range_time_end = DateTime.Now; elapsed_time_insert = range_time_end.Subtract(range_time_start); // Close all the open resources. H5T.close(attributeType); H5A.close(attributeId); H5S.close(spaceId); H5T.close(typeId1); H5T.close(typeId); H5T.close(typestring); H5G.close(groupcircuitId); H5G.close(groupyearId); H5G.close(groupmonthId); H5G.close(groupdateId); H5F.close(fileId); } private void InsertToHDF5_NoHierarchy(String circuitid, string[] groupname, struct1[] dset_data, int numline,out int totalpd, out TimeSpan elapsed_time_insert) { int countpd = 0; bool filexist = CheckFile(); if (filexist == true) { fileId =, H5F.OpenMode.ACC_RDWR); } //Create a data space to accomodate our 1 dimensional array //The resulting H5DataSpaceId will be used to create the dataset ulong[] dims = new ulong[1]; dims[0] = ulong.Parse(numline.ToString()); spaceId = H5S.create_simple(1, dims); //// Create a copy of a standard data type. typeId = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); try { typeId1 = H5T.create(H5T.CreateClass.COMPOUND,(uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(struct1))); H5T.insert(typeId1, "EMT", 0, H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_FLOAT); H5T.insert(typeId1, "Fractional time", sizeof(float), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); H5T.insert(typeId1, "Charges", sizeof(int) + sizeof(float), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_FLOAT); H5T.insert(typeId1, "Phase angle", sizeof(float) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_SHORT); H5T.insert(typeId1, "Minute", sizeof(short) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float), H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_SHORT); //H5T.insert(typeId1, "minutes", sizeof(short) + sizeof(float) + sizeof(int) + sizeof(float), typestring); } catch (Exception et) { MessageBox.Show(et.ToString()); } DateTime range_time_start; DateTime range_time_end; string dsetname = circuitid + "_" + groupname[0] + "_" + groupname[1] + "_" + groupname[2] + "_" + groupname[3]; //string dsetname = circuitid + "_" + groupname[3]; range_time_start = DateTime.Now; try { dataSetId = H5D.create(fileId,dsetname ,typeId1, spaceId); // Write the integer data to the data set. H5D.write(dataSetId,typeId1 ,new H5Array(dset_data)); //create attribute type attributeHourType = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); //create attribute data space ulong[] attributehourdims = new ulong[1]; attributehourdims[0] = 1; attributeHourSpace = H5S.create_simple(1, attributehourdims); //create attribute in the subgroup hour bool attributehourexist = CheckAttributeInHour(dataSetId, "numline"); if (attributehourexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open attribute"); attributeHourId =, "numline"); } else if (attributehourexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully create attribute"); attributeHourId = H5A.create(dataSetId, "numline", attributeHourType, attributeHourSpace); } //write the totaline in hour subgroup int[] totalineinhour = new int[1] { numline }; H5A.write(attributeHourId, attributeHourType, new H5Array(totalineinhour)); countpd = numline; H5D.close(dataSetId); H5T.close(attributeHourType); H5A.close(attributeHourId); } catch (Exception ec) { MessageBox.Show(ec.ToString()); countpd = 0; } range_time_end = DateTime.Now; totalpd = countpd; elapsed_time_insert = range_time_end.Subtract(range_time_start); // Close all the open resources. //H5T.close(attributeType); //H5A.close(attributeId); H5S.close(spaceId); H5T.close(typeId1); //H5T.close(typeId); //H5T.close(typestring); //H5G.close(groupcircuitId); //H5G.close(groupyearId); //H5G.close(groupmonthId); //H5G.close(groupdateId); H5F.close(fileId); } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve HDF_WithHierarchy foreach (string d in daterange) { string[] groupname = new string[4]; ReturnArrayinMyLaptop(d, out groupname); // check if that group is already exist circuitid = "SystemIdent-1" + cmbCircuitID2.SelectedItem; //MessageBox.Show("circuit:" + circuitid); bool circuitexist = CheckGroup(circuitid); if (circuitexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open circuit group"); groupcircuitId =, "/" + circuitid); //create year subgroup but check it first bool yearexist = CheckGroup(circuitid + "/" + groupname[0]); if (yearexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open year subgroup"); groupyearId =, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0]); //create month subgroup but check it first bool monthexist = CheckGroup(circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1]); if (monthexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open month subgroup"); groupmonthId =, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1]); //open date subgroup but check it first bool datexist = CheckGroup(circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1] + "/" + groupname[2]); if (datexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open date subgroup"); groupdateId =, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1] + "/" + groupname[2]); //loop for every hour in one day int ij = 0; while (ij <= 23) { try { dataSetId =, "/" + circuitid + "/" + groupname[0] + "/" + groupname[1] + "/" + groupname[2] + "/" + ij + ":00:00"); bool attributehourexist = CheckAttributeInHour(dataSetId, "numline"); if (attributehourexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open attribute"); attributeHourId =, "numline"); //create attribute type attributeHourType = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); int[] readBackAttr = new int[1];, attributeHourType, new H5Array(readBackAttr)); int indexdataset = 0; struct1[] readDataBack = new struct1[readBackAttr[0]]; // Read the integer data back from the data set,typeId1, new H5Array(readDataBack)); //move data from temporary array to permanent array indexarray = startindex; while (indexarray < startindex + readBackAttr[0]) { FullArray[indexarray].a = readDataBack[indexdataset].a; FullArray[indexarray].b = readDataBack[indexdataset].b; FullArray[indexarray].c = readDataBack[indexdataset].c; FullArray[indexarray].d = readDataBack[indexdataset].d; FullArray[indexarray].e = readDataBack[indexdataset].e; indexdataset = indexdataset + 1; indexarray = indexarray + 1; } //to get the start index for the array for the next dataset startindex = startindex + readBackAttr[0]; H5T.close(attributeHourType); H5A.close(attributeHourId); } else if (attributehourexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Attribute is not exist"); } H5D.close(dataSetId); ij = ij + 1; } catch (Exception ec) { //MessageBox.Show(ec.ToString()); ij = ij + 1; } } H5G.close(groupdateId); } else if (datexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Date does not exist"); } //H5G.close(groupmonthId); } else if (monthexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Month does not exist"); } //H5G.close(groupyearId); } else if (yearexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Year does not exist"); } H5G.close(groupcircuitId); } else if (circuitexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Circuit does not exist"); } // Close all the open resources. //H5T.close(typeId); //H5S.close(spaceId); } --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Retrieve HDF_NoHierarchy foreach (string d in daterange) { string[] groupname = new string[4]; ReturnArrayinMyLaptop(d, out groupname); // check if that group is already exist circuitid = "SystemIdent-" + cmbCircuitID2.SelectedItem; //MessageBox.Show("circuit:" + circuitid); //loop for every hour in one day int ij = 0; while (ij <= 23) { try { dataSetId =, circuitid + "_" + groupname[0] + "_" + groupname[1] + "_" + groupname[2] + "_" + ij + ":00:00"); bool attributehourexist = CheckAttributeInHour(dataSetId, "numline"); if (attributehourexist == true) { //MessageBox.Show("Successfully open attribute"); attributeHourId =, "numline"); //create attribute type attributeHourType = H5T.copy(H5T.H5Type.NATIVE_INT); int[] readBackAttr = new int[1];, attributeHourType, new H5Array(readBackAttr)); int indexdataset = 0; struct1[] readDataBack = new struct1[readBackAttr[0]]; // Read the integer data back from the data set, typeId1, new H5Array(readDataBack)); //move data from temporary array to permanent array indexarray = startindex; while (indexarray < startindex + readBackAttr[0]) { FullArray[indexarray].a = readDataBack[indexdataset].a; FullArray[indexarray].b = readDataBack[indexdataset].b; FullArray[indexarray].c = readDataBack[indexdataset].c; FullArray[indexarray].d = readDataBack[indexdataset].d; FullArray[indexarray].e = readDataBack[indexdataset].e; indexdataset = indexdataset + 1; indexarray = indexarray + 1; } //to get the start index for the array for the next dataset startindex = startindex + readBackAttr[0]; H5T.close(attributeHourType); H5A.close(attributeHourId); } else if (attributehourexist == false) { //MessageBox.Show("Attribute is not exist"); } H5D.close(dataSetId); ij = ij + 1; } catch (Exception ec) { //MessageBox.Show(ec.ToString()); ij = ij + 1; } } }